Read The Timeline For Oregon's Methodist Meeting House In Hillsboro

An example of a Methodist Meeting House back East

An example of a Methodist Meeting House back East


  • July 12, 1843 Camp Meeting held by Jason Lee, Harvey Clarke and other ministers near the Five Oaks site, “Rocky Mountain Retreat.”

  • 1843 - November 22, Edward and Brazilla Arthur Constable arrived from Missouri.

  • 1844 - Methodist services held at Edward Constable cabin.

  • 1844 - Methodist Meeting House built, by Joseph Hosgry circuit riding minister, services held there, also Baptist and Congregationalist services.

  • 27 Apr 1846 Provisional District Court held in building, court continues until buildings built in Hillsboro.

  • 1849/50 - Edward Constable off to California gold mines.

  • 1852- James Barton Constable, brother to Edward died, was buried at Methodist Meeting House; later moved to West Union Baptist Cemetery. [His five orphan children move in with Brazil and Edward Constable.]

  • 1854 - Unnamed Infant of Joe Meek dies, buried in burying ground by Methodist Meeting House.

  • 1855 - Indian scare, stockade of fir tree logs built around the Meeting House.

  • May 13, 1858 - Hiram Meek buried burying ground by Methodist Meeting House.

  • July 13, 1858 - Dallas Meek buried in burying ground by Methodist Meeting House.

  • 1860 -Building still in use as church

  • Feb 17, 1860 - William H. H. Meek buried in burying ground by Methodist Meeting House.

  • Dec 22, 1860 - Josephine Meek buried in burying ground by Methodist Meeting House

  • 1865 - Building unused, dismantled and lumber taken to Hillsboro to add to Methodist Church there.

  • 1888 - John Shute and wife Elizabeth Constable build house just to the west of site.

  • 1985 - Methodist Meeting House and cemetery site that had been in fir trees cleared and farmed over.

  • March 31, 1988 - Added to the Washington County Cultural Resource Inventory

  • _____ Annexed to the City of Hillsboro Now included in the Hillsboro Cultural Resource Inventory

  • 2003 - Included within the Urban Growth Boundary by Metro

  • 2013 Roadway widened and excavated

  • 2015 Sewer Line Installed by the City of Hillsboro through the site

  • 2018-2019 Land bought by Majestic Development and plans approved for 800,000 + SF of warehouses

  • 2019 Land Use appeal filed

The story continues to this day- Stay Tuned!

Dirk Knudsen; Editor

Husband, Father, Mentor..History Nut