Why The Promised 1 Acre Now Being Taken Means So Much

1 Acre Site Promised by Mayor Tom Hughes.JPG

It may only be 1 acre but it migth be the last acre left in teh Tualatin Plains that will not be covered with asphalt and buildings soon.

Under the ground on that acre are the bodies of 5 Children. Not just any children but the children of legandary Mountain Man and first regional law man Colonel Joseph Meek. He and his Nez Perce wife, Virginia, were among the first and most important settlers to come to the territory and help make it what we know today. Their struggles and the death of these 5 children may have been overlooked but never forgotten.

Buried on the land being developed this year by Majestic Development are the children and the remains of the Methodist Meeting House. That site is honored by historians, scholars, and State officials as one of the most important places in the Oregon Territory.

In 2003-2004 the City of Hillsboro wanted and needed approvals from the State of Oregon, the State Historic Preservation Office, and METRO to give Genentech millions in tax breaks under the SIPS tax program. In that process government officials dictated that a Culturally important site (The MMH and graves) be protected in exchange for finailzing the deal.

Quid Pro Quo - Preserve the Cultural Recsource under Oregon’s Goal 5 laws and you can have the tax breaks. Don’t and you can not….

Using caution and due-diligence then Hillsboro Mayor Tom Hughes and his staff agreed to preserve the site and a 1 Acre lot. The site was clearly identified and all parties involved were happy with the outcome and looking ahead to a profitable result.

Any of you that doubt that or question that please read this official document which we are certain is a contract between the City and the State of Oregon and its people. People that include the native relatives of those buried children.

See that Letter here as well:

2004 Letter 1.JPG
2004 Letter 2.JPG

”Require that NO STRUCTURES be built within the 1 acre site… Mayor Tom Hughes of Hillsboro commits to the Governor of Oregon

That folks is a much of a contract as anyone could ever have. A CONTRACT.

So why are those of us involved who care mad enough to spend money and hundreds of hours to fight this? Here is why-

From the City of Hillsboro - Majestic South development approval-

The Majestic South Deisgn approval by Hillsboro has a buiolding and parking lot over the graves and MMH location!

We are right- we will win or fight to the end.

The Native people had their land taken in 1855 via a broken treaty. Can we not see this is the same sort of thing? No people, this must not be allowed to happen.

The 1 acre is the most important acre. It may be the last acre any of can save but it is important beyond measure. Truly it is.

Here is what is coming- the 1 acre must be allowed preservation as promised. Period.

Dirk Knudsen; Editor

Husband, Father, Mentor..History Nut